How To Apply For US Visa in 2023 and 2024 / US Visit Study And Work Perment Visa in 2023 and 2024

 How To Apply For US Visa in 2023 and 2024 / US Visit Study And Work Perment Visa in 2023 and 2024



At long last your confirmation letter has shown up and your excursion to concentrate on in the US is starting. Want to go out and have a great time during this long summer break? Before you do, remember perhaps of the main step: you want to apply for your F1 visa to enter the US.

When to apply

You can apply for the F1 global understudy visa in no less than 120 days of the beginning date for your school recorded in the I-20. The common beginning date for US schools is toward the finish of August, so you can start to apply for a visa after April. Make certain to apply early and stay away from the pinnacle rush during summer get-away. Simply recall that regardless of whether your F1 visa is given early, you can enter the US on a F1 visa as long as 30 days before the school start date recorded on the I-20.

What you'll require

A finished non-outsider visa application structure (the DS-160). In the wake of finishing the structure, you'll get an affirmation page with an affirmation number.
Your visa. We suggest that you apply with a visa that will be substantial longer than the time you will concentrate on in the US. In the event that it's not, you'll need to change the identification later, which adds a ton of superfluous difficulty.
One (1) 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) photo required inside the most recent a half year with a white foundation.

Your I-20. This is evidence of your understudy status in the US and ought to show the school you'll join in, the lawful time of your visit in the US and the educational cost of your college. The first I-20 must be agreed upon. On the off chance that you're under 18, your folks should sign the structure as well.
Your arrangement reservation data.
Your SEVIS charge receipt.


Extra Records you might require for your arrangement:

Your scholastic arrangement, (for example, research concentrate on plans, records, plans, and so on.)
Monetary help reports, which can be:
Bank articulations
Guardians' business letter
Family Register
Monetary awards and grant messages from the college
Proposal letter from a teacher
Itemized ventures for your internet based application
Go the US State site to finish up the DS-160. You ought to permit around 75 minutes to complete this. It's an exceptionally point by point application! In the wake of finishing the application, a standardized tag affirmation page will be shown.
After you've completed the application, register for the US Travel Doc. You'll have to plan an in-person arrangement and pay the visa expense of $160. Remember to save your receipt. You really want a receipt number to make an arrangement. In the event that you lose your receipt, it will not be supplanted!
You can likewise pay this Visa handling charge at the China CITIC Bank. Click here for more point by point data about paying your visa handling charge face to face.

Then, go the US Migration site to pay the SEVIS expense and save the receipt. SEVIS represents Understudy and Trade Guest Data Framework. This is a framework to record every one of the global understudies and researchers' data.

Tips for the Meeting                                       

Get every one of the expected materials a straightforward envelope.
No hardware, water, food, or sacks are permitted in the Visa Place.
Get to the visa place 30 minutes before your arrangement. Try not to be late!
Realize which school you are going to and have a harsh report plan.
Remain chill! At the arrangement, you'll be posed straightforward inquiries. Simply answer truly and with certainty.

The most effective method to get your identification back

Via mail. Your identification will be shipped off the location you gave in the US Travel Doc online arrangement structure.
You can likewise have it shipped off the closest China CITIC Bank. You'll need to go get your visa in the span of 15 days of getting the notification from the bank.

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