How to Install Latest Windows 11 on Old Laptop (High Performance)

How to Install Latest Windows 11 on Old Laptop (High Performance)  


 i have an old toshiba laptop look at this how  old is this oh it's very heavy and what i gotta   do today i will install windows 11 here i mean  it's i-core e3 and it will have two gigabyte ram i   think processor is not supported at all but let's  see the performance okay cool oh we are on windows   10. let's see the version of the windows and here  we are version 1607 it's really old windows 10   enterprise on this computer it's four gigabyte ram  and it's i-43 so what we have to do right now is   that we need to create an uh windows 11 usb flash  drive because i have to use it on this old laptop   as i as i told you i'm using my workstation  desktop here and i will use rufus to do this   and let's download rufus and it's 3.19 the latest  one good and then what we got to do let's go to   windows 11 latest version to download it 11  download cool and let's see what we have here   windows 11 disk image multi-edition  i need that multi-edition it's okay   download choose one english okay or in  international that's okay confirm we only have 64   bits download and then start downloading directly  5.2 gigabyte we have to create and bootable usb   drive in order to make this uh flash drive  bootable from your old laptop you have   make sure you choose here mbr okay and then bios  or ufei mode and then select your yes windows um   iso file and then okay click start and then  you will see those three options here remove   requirement for secure bot and tpm 2.0 and  remove the requirement for four gigabytes   ram and 64 gigabytes hard disk and disable the  data collecting skip privacy questions 


start writing the files on the usb drive 


 that's great this is all of these options  are here on the rufus 3.19 and this will   work great so in every computer okay even if  your uh computer doesn't support windows 11 or   before you will see that error that your  processor is not in a supported list okay   okay i just click start you will see this message  here it will destroy everything and then it will   start writing the files on the usb drive okay when  the usb is ready and we will use this for clean   install on this old laptop that i have here i put  the flash drive now and now i will try to update   windows let's try to update double click i want  to help make better i don't need this change   house to tap download download updates driver not  at the moment in fact because i don't need that   next checking your pc we're getting a few things  ready i entering the product key i'll click next accept choose water keep   next and making sure you're ready to install what  is that what needs your attention okay no problem and installation starts successfully okay  look at this now intel corporation driver   is installing i see that my graphic card  drivers are installed here and let's see   who is slowing down the hard disk is punishing  us on the speed of this computer cpu is running   eighty percent memory 2.5 and disk is a hundred  percent and it's warm here okay i will change it   so this uh windows update will do all the updates  and things and if you see it it's working okay   let me show you the parameters of this computer  that you will be sure that this is an old one and click check now and see and the processor  isn't currently supporting windows 11   we have hard drive here a hundred percent so what  have i got to do now i have to do a clean install   and i will remove this hard drive and put an  ssd drive and see how windows 11 will look   with an ssd okay so continue watching this video  tutorial so as you see guys everything seems to   be all right on windows 11 on this old computer  but i don't like the performance


Replacing hard-drive to mke laptop faster


 what i gotta   do now i will replace the hard drive and make this  laptop faster and also will try to install windows   11 from beginning directly from the usb drive and  let's make it a clean install now i show you how   to upgrade and it looks good and now i will try  to install directly from the usb drive let's open   up now and then let's replace hard drive with this  ssd drive okay i bought these xiaomi screwdrivers   and let me show you how beautiful it is it's  electronic okay if you like it you can buy it   i put the link on the description and you can  easily find on amazon and then buy for yourself   it's with a charger you can charge it okay see  here click this button here and it will pop up and   open up all the screwdrivers it's aluminum case  it looks like apple okay so here we have the body   and it's usbc and here is the connector i'm  trying this for first time here on this computer   doing these video tutorials for you guys  plus screw i will use this big one here   and it's magnetica we have button here  left and right okay you change the ram if   you want i will change the hard drive and  the hard drive is here okay let's open up okay okay i will try to remove this ram area here  and then open up the hard drive here hard drive i just put an ssd here inside okay here we  are now we are ready to install windows 11.   okay let's continue let's turn on in my  case i will use f12 but we will choose the   boot order here and i will choose that usb  okay i will choose here usb to run from usb   click enter okay so we just put the computer  from this usb if you see that your usb drive   is not working well or you can't uh boot from  your usb drive then remove all other usbs okay   or change the port from port one to  port two okay english united kingdom   it's okay english united states click next and if  you don't have any product key just for the moment   click i don't have the product key for the moment  and now choose windows 11 which one you need   in my case i need this pro i will delete  them all and now it's ready click next okay we are ready now usually it takes i mean  it only take not more than 10 minutes guys   10 minutes on this computer okay now we are  here on the first set up okay united states   click yes okay leave it as it is and what i  got to do i have to connect with wi-fi because   uh using the wi-fi it will help to install all the  drivers okay that it needs i mean display drivers   um keyboard drivers and all the  drivers that this laptop needs okay   name it installing windows 11 on alt computer it's  almost there wait wait whoa look at this look at   this it's running perfect let's see the updates if  updates are working so you see that we are allowed   to have all the updates download started that's  great okay my friends thank you for watching   this video tutorial this is how you will install  windows 11 unsupported computer and it's an old   laptop i mean 2007 or something like that. 

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